Thursday 13 January 2011

The impact of school governance on school performance

The impact of school governance on school performance

Data which demonstrates that good governing has a direct effect on school performance is lacking. However, a number of studies have shown a close association between the quality of governing and school performance.

There is a strong association between inspection assessments of a school’s effectiveness and the assessment of its governing body. Two groups of schools were compared, one judged to be very effective by Ofsted and the other less effective with both controlled for contextual factors.

There was a distinction between the effectiveness of the governing bodies of the two types of school. A study by Ofsted in 2002 showed a similar association.

A small-scale study, showed an association between performance and the type of governing body.

The ‘executive board’ and ‘governing body’ types were more closely associated with higher performance. Such governing bodies exercise functions of scrutiny, strategy and accountability.

It is argued that scrutiny is the main strategic function of the best primary school governing bodies which they consider to be:

• assuring quality and standards of education in the school by bringing high

• ensuring full deliberation and questioning of policies, budgets and practices

• putting systems in place for monitoring and reviewing the standards of achievement, financial plans and the policy developments in the school.

It is very likely that such practices will lead to improvements in school performance,even though demonstrating a causal effect is difficult. One report showed that the following features of governing are associated with the improvement of primary schools:

• governing and governance are valued

• the governing body represents the diversity of its parent communities

• partnership between the headteacher and the governors is characterised by mutual support

• there is clarity of roles

• the governing body functions as such or as an executive board

• scrutiny is the strategic function of the best primary school governing bodies

• the governing body assures the quality and standards of education in the school

• it embodies the values and ethos of the school

• there is close attachment of governors to the life of the school

• there are close ties with the community.

This research was taken from The full 'Hidden Givers' A study of School Governing bodies which can be found linked below.

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